Genus Diglyphosa

Diglyphosa Blume,
Bijdr. (1825) 336

Sympodial terrestrial plants with short to rather long rhizomes. Pseudobulbs consisting of one internode, slender, one-leaved. Leaves not sheathing at the base, glabrous, plicate, not deciduous, convolute, thin-textured. Inflorescence a terminal, few- to many-flowered raceme (very rarely branching) arising on a specialised leafless shoot. Flowers small, resupinate. Sepals free. Petals similar to the lateral sepals. Lip without spur, mobile. Column-foot present. Pollinia 2, solid, caudicles, stipe, and viscidium absent.

Northeast India, Southeast Asia, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea; 2 species.

Distribution in the Philippines
Negros (Negros Oriental), Mindanao (Davao); 1 species [Diglyphosa latifolia Blume].

Terrestrial in lowland and montane forest.

This uncommon genus is related to Chrysoglossum, from which it differs, among other things, in that the column-foot lacks a spur.