Genus Kuhlhasseltia

Kuhlhasseltia J.J.Sm.,
Icon. Bogor. (1910) t. 301

Sympodial terrestrial plants. Stem elongated, creeping in basal part. Leaves few, sheathing at the base, glabrous, dorso-ventrally flattened, not articulate, convolute, herbaceous. Inflorescence terminal, a raceme. Flowers small, resupinate, brownish. Sepals free or shortly connate. Petals free, about as long as the dorsal sepal, usually cohering at the apices. Lip spurred, not mobile, inside at the base with 2 warts; spur short, almost hidden by the lateral sepals. Column without lamellae. Column-foot absent. Pollinia 2, sectile, caudicles present, stipe absent, viscidium present. Stigma 1.

Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Malesia; about 9 species.

Distribution in the Philippines
Luzon (Laguna), Mindoro; 2 species.

Terrestrial in montane forest.

Kuhlhasseltia was named after the collectors Kuhl and van Hasselt, who both died in their twenties while collecting plants and other scientific specimens in Java around 1820. This is a rarely encountered genus allied to Cystorchis, with a short conical or semiglobose spur to the lip, which lacks the blister-like basal appendages of Cystorchis. The leaves are often velvety dark brown with wavy margins.