Genus Ludisia

Ludisia Rich.,
Dict. Clas. Nat. 7 (1825) 437

Sympodial terrestrial plants. Stem elongated, slightly succulent, basal part creeping, forming a rhizome, apical part erect, few-leaved. Leaves mostly crowded at the stem-apex, spirally arranged, sheathing at the base, glabrous, persistent, convolute, usually very dark green or brown with silvery, golden, or pink veins, without or with only a few cross-veins. Inflorescence a few- to many-flowered, terminal raceme. Flowers rather small, resupinate, white with bright yellow anther. Sepals free. ???Petals adherent to sepals forming a hood. Lip not spurred, not mobile, asymmetrically twisted. Column in front without lamellae, asymmetrically twisted; column-foot absent. Pollinia 2, sectile, caudicles present, stipe absent, viscidium present. Stigma without clearly separated lobes.

Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, the Philippines. 1 species [Ludisia. discolor (Ker Gawl.) A.Rich.].

Distribution in the Philippines
Not ascertained.

Rather open vegetation along streams in the lowlands.

The only species of this genus, Ludisia discolor, is a widely cultivated plant, mainly for its beautiful foliage. Like in the related genus Macodes the small flowers are distinctly asymmetric. In Macodes the column is provided with a pair of lamellae, these are absent in Ludisia. As it often grows in fairly exposed, stony places, Ludisia is more readily cultivated than most other genera in this alliance, such as Anoectochilus, Goodyera, and Macodes, which are much more sensitive inhabitants of the forest floor.