Genus Pilophyllum

Pilophyllum Schltr.,
Orchideen (1914) 131

Sympodial terrestrial plants. Pseudobulbs present, consisting of one internode, one-leaved. Leaves not sheathing, densely hairy, dorso-ventrally flattened, plicate, not articulate, convolute, thin-textured. Inflorescence arising from the rhizome (heteranthous), a raceme. Flowers medium-sized, not resupinate, yellowish with red-brown markings. Sepals free. Petals free, more or less intermediate in shape between the dorsal sepal and the lateral sepals. Lip without spur, not mobile. Column-foot present. Pollinia 2, solid-waxy, caudicles absent, stipe absent, viscidium absent.

Malesia. 1 species [Pilophyllum villosum (Blume) Schltr.].

Distribution in the Philippines

Terrestrial in montane forest.

Very easy to recognise by the large leaves that are covered with fairly stiff yellowish brown hairs. The intricate, not resupinate flowers are equally characteristic. The single species, Pilophyllum villosum, is a widespread plant, but occurring sporadically in most of its range.